Midterm Questions - Edmond Tohme CVSP 201 (Based on my memory) 1- Discuss based on these readings: (Gilgamesh-Odyssey-Oedipus), the virtues of knowledge, moderation, and modesty. 2- Discuss the following quote:"A man's character determines his destiny ..." based on the three aforementioned readings. Final Questions - Edmond Tohme (Based on my memory) 1- Discuss the role of religion,gods, and piety according to "The Nature of Things", as specifically mentioned in lines (110?) in book 1 and (book 6?) (he gives you the quotes) and relate them to the role of gods and religion in "The Odyssey" , "The Aeneid", "The Peloponnesian War", "Oedipus the King" . Do NOT confuse religion with destiny/fate. 2- Discuss the role of the ideal ruler as mentioned in Plato and discuss whether the rulers in each of the above mentioned readings are to be considered "ideal" according to what Plato assumes. There was also a third question but i couldn't remember it Note: Gilgamesh was not included and Aristotle was not explained He might repeat the same exam again. Good Luck!!! NOTES!!!!! Don't forget to give detailed examples other than those given in class and make sure to REFERENCE them from the books. So you HAVE to read to be able to reference but to understand you can visit one of these sites for summaries: - shmoop ( I used it for Plato - VERY USEFUL) - sparknotes (Gilgamesh - Odyssey - Oedipus - Aeneid ...) - cliffnotes